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Cannabis 101: Glossary of Terms Describing Effects

The terms used to describe the effects of specific strains (both on the street and in dispensaries) can be confusing and frustrating, especially when many of us just want to know is whether the strain will wake us up, put us to sleep, alleviate our pain, clear our depression, or eliminate our anxiety. Gathered below are a list of terms you may hear used to describe the effects of various cannabis strains.

Appetite Suppressor

Some cannabinoids (such as THCv) reduce your appetite by inhibiting CB1 receptors when consumed in relatively small doses. This is important to know if you are looking to gain weight or reduce a reaction typically referred to as the munchies. A study published in Diabetes Care (https://diabetesjournals.org/care/article/39/10/1777/129/Efficacy-and-Safety-of-Cannabidiol-and) found THCV also significantly decreased fasting plasma glucose (a significant factor in controlling type 2 diabetes).


Strains that act as an analgesic relieve physical pain and sometimes change the way the brain perceives pain.


Several of the cannabinoids and terpenes found in cannabis, including THC, CBD and CBG have shown strong antibacterial properties—the ability to prevent the growth or spread of bacteria. CBG has outperformed more classical approaches against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). CBD has been found to kill Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.


Studies have shown THC and CBN display anticoagulant activity and may be useful in the treatment of diseases such as type 2 diabetes in which a hypercoagulable state exists (the pathological state of exaggerated coagulation or coagulation in the absence of bleeding).


CBD, CBDV and CBGa have been found to reduce the severity and frequency of seizures (caused by changes in neuronal firing in the brain) in some people, especially children, who have severe epilepsy disorders. Studies into the anticonvulsant properties of these cannabinoids have been limited and most information about their efficacy has been anecdotal.


Strains that are antiemetic (reduce nausea and vomiting symptoms), are particularly important for people who have a high probability of experiencing these symptoms such as those undergoing chemotherapy.


Many cannabis strains contain anti-inflammatory properties (the ability to reduce inflammation), which can lead to an enhanced ability to participate in activities and elevate an individual’s quality of life.


Antioxidants are compounds that protect us against something known as oxidative stress. The term oxidative stress describes a situation where molecules, called reactive oxygen species (ROS), build up inside the body. ROS, sometimes known as free radicals, are highly reactive, oxygen-containing molecules that are produced naturally by cells. They play a crucial role in many physiological functions, especially immunity. They do this by acting as a kind of chemical signal when the body becomes infected and help break down diseased cells. If ROS get out of control, they can damage proteins, lipids, and even DNA.

CBD is believed to be a powerful antioxidant, appearing to be an even more effective antioxidant than either vitamin C or vitamin E.


CBD has documented antipsychotic and anxiolytic (anxiety reduction) properties and a sleep stabilizing effect. By minimizing sleep disturbances, CBD effectively reduces the chances play of relapsing psychosis. CBD was found to be comparable to amisulpride in treating severe psychosis, but with significantly fewer adverse effects. As an add-on treatment, patients given CBD in conjunction with pharmaceuticals showed a significant reduction in psychotic symptoms with fewer side effects then witnessed with patients who were given just the pharmaceuticals.


Baked refers to the warm, fuzzy feeling resulting from consuming certain strains. A person who is baked might be giggly and unwilling (or unable) to move from their spot on the couch. “Baked” is also infrequently used to describe being under the effects of alcohol, but as cannabis culture has become more widespread, the term baked has become more synonymous with being high from cannabis.


Blazed is another slang term for being high, generally from high THC strains.


Blitzed refers to the feeling of being under the sudden, heavy influence of cannabis. The term derives from

“blitz,” an abbreviation of the German word “blitzkrieg.” Most consumers only realize they are blitzed after the fact.


A body high is the sensation your body feels after consuming cannabis. Typically, a body high is associated with a reduction in physical pain and a relaxed and (with certain stronger strains) sleepy feeling.

An overwhelming body high can result in a heavy, couchlock feeling and causes some people to become dizzy and lightheaded. Overwhelming highs do not last long, usually about an hour to 90 minutes. New and experienced consumers can limit the likelihood of experiencing an overwhelming body high by initially consuming new strains in small amounts. Controlling your intake allows you to assess the strength of each strain and the affects you may individually experience from that strain.

Body highs are traditionally associated with indica flowers, however, as most strains today are hybrids, you will typically experience some degree of a body high with almost all strains.


Bouldered is a slang term for being extremely high. Being bouldered usually includes intense couchlock, cravings for food, laughing, and drowsiness. The word derives from the idea that one is beyond stoned, and instead absolutely bouldered.


To be burnt is to experience the “come down” from an intense session. Also called a “weed hangover,” the feeling usually lasts anywhere from 8 to 12 hours. A person who is burnt might feel unfocused, dull and slow to react or process anything going on. The best course of treatment is to focus on treating your body by staying hydrated and eating nutritious foods.


Being buttered is another term for being extremely high.

Buzzy Body (Body Buzz)

A body buzz refers to the actual feeling you get in your body that is mild and pleasant. A buzzy body literally feels like a buzzing or tingling across the surface of your skin, starting at your head, and running across your entire body. Go slow with any new strain until you learn how that strain specifically affects you.


A calming strain relaxes your mind and body but is not trippy or overly energizing. A calming strain melts away anxiety. Calming strains are great for treating stress, migraines, ADHD and depression. Some of the most effective calming strains contain both THC and CBD.


A clear-headed high allows you to focus and think with a positive attitude. Many strains with predominantly CBD profiles give consumers a clear-headed high.


Similar to baked, cooked is a term used to describe being high. Some people claim being cooked is a more extreme version of being baked, where the user is more likely to green out, but, as always, the connotations can differ among individual people.


A slang term for the when an individual cannot do anything and just sits on the couch (or wherever he or she is sitting) doing nothing at all. Some people want to experience couchlock–particularly when they are feeling ill, need to rest or recalibrate their sleep cycles.

If you are in a state of couchlock and dislike it and want to snap out of it, try drinking something with caffeine (such as coffee or soda). Make sure to eat something substantial and rest for a good 15 to 20 minutes. Once you have rested, you can get up and fight the couchlock effect by being more active and getting your blood flowing by stretching. Take deep slowly controlled breathes and maybe even splash some water on your face to freshen up.


Cannabis can stimulate blood flow to the frontal lobe part of the brain. The increased blood flow makes the neurons more active, thereby leading to increased creativity. This part of your brain is put to the task when you want to find solutions to a particular problem.

Cross Faded

When a person is high and drunk at the same time they are said to be “crossfaded.” The depressant nature of alcohol combined with the psychoactive effects of THC are so different that they lead many people to feel strange as their brain tries to combine the two unique sensations


Down refers to when the effects of the cannabis you have consumed are wearing off. You are coming down from the high.

Edge Off

Strains that take the edge off reduce stress (physically and mentally) without feeling high. Strains that typically bring stress down to manageable levels contain both THC and CBD, but the right combination is unique to the individual.


Elevated in cannabis terms has two meanings: the first general meaning is that you are simply high and the second is that the strain you have consumed is helping you experience a more positive state of well-being. Strains that elevate you were traditionally classified as sativas.


An energetic high provides a burst of motivation, allowing you to stay active and eliminate any body fatigue or mental barriers. An energizing high could be compared to the feeling one gets from consuming a concentrated dose of caffeine.


A euphoric high is one that produces feelings of wellbeing. A euphoric high might include a feeling of bliss, laughing, increased sensory perception and a deeper appreciation for life. Music, art, poetry and food take on a more profound meaning. The euphoric feeling can last from a few seconds to a few hours, depending on the user and his or her mindset. Other effects of a euphoric high include the feeling of pain being lifted, a better ability to achieve a peaceful sleep, and the munchies.


Faded is another slang term for someone is slightly high on cannabis.


Many cannabis strains help boost the brain’s dopamine levels, leading to a euphoric high that inspires the consumer to be productive, focused and creative. The person is often motivated and determined to complete any task.


Fried is a slang term for someone who is excessively high. Similar in usage to stoned, baked, or bouldered. This term can also have a negative connotation, as it’s often used to refer to burnouts or people who indulge too much and too often.


Strains that to make you laugh, reduce stress levels and are relaxing in the sense that they allow you to enjoy the moment. Strains that make you giggly are probably best consumed when you do not need to be focused or are looking to fall asleep.

Green Out

Green out is a slang term used to describe a distressed feeling of nausea and anxiety that may occur due to overindulging in THC.

Head Change

Head change is a phrase used to refer to the psychoactive and emotional effects of a high. It implies that cannabis will change your headspace for the better.


A heady high is when you feel the effects of cannabis in your head and not in your body. Traditionally, sativas have been associated with heady (head) highs. A head high may make you feel happy, creative, motivated, energetic and/or uplifted. As most strains today are hybrids, you may experience some degree of a body high with sativa dominant hybrids.

Light Body

With strains that give you a light body high, you are likely to feel light-limbed. These strains are meant to relax and soothe the body. Strains that give you a light body high are functional for most people.

Light Head

A light head high reduces or eliminates mild stress and anxiety, giving you the ability to focus on what needs to be done and the motivation to get it done.


Melted is another slang term for being extremely high and having couchlock.


Strains that relax you reduce body and mind tensions.


Ripped is a term used to describe the action of smoking, or ripping, from a bong or to describe an intense and almost overwhelming high. A person who is ripped will likely be couch-locked and cotton-mouthed. However, they will not green out–being ripped is intended to be a positive, pleasant feeling.


A sleepy strain helps put you to sleep.


A slang term for being very high on generally a sativa type strain.


Stoney is the resulting feeling from many indica strains–a heavy, hazy, comfortable high. Some consumers consider stoney highs as the “classic” high feeling, as it seems to resemble the behavior of stoners in movies and TV. Stoney highs might also result in couchlock, but you’ll usually be feeling too good to care.

Tattered (Tatered)

Tattered is a word used to describe how inebriated one can get from smoking cannabis. It’s possible that being tattered may be related to the term couch potato, referencing the couchlock often experienced when smoking heavy Indica strains. Either way, to be tattered is to be exceptionally stoned.

THC Crash (T-Crash)

Regardless of the type of cannabis they consume, some people experience a THC crash (T-crash) whenever they consume cannabis. A THC crash occurs as the initial effects are wearing off and you just want to sleep.


Originally a term referring to being mildly inebriated that today is used to refer to someone being high.


An uplifting strain elevates your mood and puts you into a positive frame of mind. Most uplifting strains are sativa leaning.


Wrecked is the state of being so high on cannabis from smoking, vaping, or ingesting it that you could be considered inebriated. Staring open-mouthed at the TV without interacting with the outside world for hours, eating handfuls of dry cereal without thinking about it, and laughing maniacally at something that isn’t very funny are all activities common of someone who is wrecked.
