Tips For Using Cannabis Tinctures

While cannabis tinctures may not be the most traditional way of consuming cannabis, they are a convenient method. When you use cannabis tinctures, you eliminate the harsh smoke and smells that are accompanied with other methods of using cannabis. By using cannabis tinctures you can ensure that you are getting the right dosage and not accidentally getting too much or worse, not getting enough for your pain relief. 

Here are a few tips for using cannabis tinctures


  • Always buy only top quality cannabis: Much like any other product you purchase for your health, you want only the top quality and top strength. Herbal Alternatives is one of the best dispensaries in Washington, DC to purchase your cannabis tinctures from. Each staff member has a personal history of cannabis usage and ensures only the best in cannabis tinctures enters our store. These are a few of our top quality cannabis tinctures: 


  • Aussie Blues Tinctures: This is made with pure wheat alcohol and can help aid in relief from anxiety, cramps, and migraines. 


  • Green Love Potion Tincture: Also made from pure wheat alcohol, this can help relieve depression, insomnia, and muscle or joint pain. 


  • Goji OG Tincture: Made from pure wheat alcohol, this cannabis tincture helps relieve symptoms of ADHD, loss of appetite, and joint pain. 


  • Cannabis tinctures may be used as drops under your tongue: If you are looking for fast pain relief, instead of waiting until the brownies are baked, just place a few drops under your tongue. You may start to feel pain relief in as little as fifteen minutes. Don’t swallow the drops right away: they need a minute or two to enter directly into your bloodstream under your tongue. 


  • Add cannabis tinctures to drinks or meals: If you are looking for a regular routine of taking your cannabis tinctures, just add a few drops to your morning meal. Whether you choose to drink a smoothie, eat cereal or eggs and toast, just add a few drops and you have taken your daily dosage. It really is as simple as that. You can also add it to your morning cup of coffee to get you through the day or your late-night ice cream to help you sleep at night. 


If you would like to know more about cannabis tinctures, contact us today and one of our staff members would be happy to answer any questions you have.